My final session in The Darlings series this month was during the week of really crazy storms. With ten families involved, I ummed and aahed over cancelling it…but with such a busy run to the end of the year I knew it was now or never…so I went ahead! A few families pulled out, not keen on the grey skies, which I understood. As I listened to thunder all day, I wondered what would eventuate. I’m all for a cloudy day (pretty light to boot) but rain isn’t quite what I was after so I was hoping for the best!
As I left the house for the session, I could see a patch of blue sky….The closer I drove, the more it appeared and settled above our meeting spot. It sat above our site for the entire hour, with a soft covering of cloud, keeping the water at bay and providing a glowy light amongst the lush greens of the forest. The girls were gorgeous, smiling and playing and having fun. When we had finished, I started my car to drive off and a sprinkle began to fall on the windscreen…within half an hour, the storms had returned and then stayed for the evening. Aha… so it was meant to be! xxx Thank you to all 53 girls involved in these sessions, you’re all amazing! I had the best time and I hope you all love your portraits. Have a great week! Love Maddie xxx