May 2nd. The labour day long weekend. How appropriate that I should be honoured to spend the day with this gorgeous family, as mummy laboured to bring her sweet darling into the world. So perfect! xo Claire is the very talented owner and photographer of The Newborn Studio and I was delighted for her to book me as her birth photographer. Birth is an intimate and special moment that is like no other. Birth photography is about capturing the journey, the emotion and the elation when your little one is finally in your arms. With this baby being their last baby (and their first girl) it was something that Brad and Claire wanted to treasure. I spent a peaceful morning with them, at Mater Mothers, surrounded by a wonderful team who cared for them. In the early afternoon, after a beautiful hour or so of active labour, little Miss Emily Rose arrived calmly and safely – and was a bundle of cuteness! Two parents were filled with love and delight in their little girl. Enjoy!